About Suzy
Suzy is passionate about helping you stay motivated and inaction of selling your products and services.
Lifting others up and helping others to be the grandest version of themselves is what makes her heart sing.
She spent 22 years in sales and the pivotal time in her life personal development training.
This opened up the door for her to want to share all the incredible uplifting things she learned so that she could help others to do better and feel better.
Mindset is the foundation to everything thing. It is so much more powerful than you could imagine.
You can find out more about Suzy here salesskillsaccelerator.co.uk
What is it you do?
What I do is I work with individuals and teams showing them how to make sales and not excuses. I teach them to ditch old style, sleazy sales tactics and to embrace old style courtesy and common sense.
I help businesses increase their revenue, their retention, their reputation and their referrals.
Why do you do what you do?
I do this because I’m a bit like a poacher turned gamekeeper. I spent 22 years in sales myself, and even though I was a top ten sales achiever across the whole of the UK, I was in victim mentality. I was not obviously aware of it but full of all sorts of excuses, as are many, many salespeople.
Why I do this is really thanks to my sales director. It was a pivotal moment in my life, which was my CPD review, where he said “what training will we do with you next? You don’t need sales training, you’re smashing your target but if you don’t mind me saying I think you could probably do with some personal training. If you decide to change from within, I’m going to reap the benefits in the business.” This is how I stumbled into my passion.
Who do you enjoy working with?
I’m very clear with who I like to work with in terms of the fact that I won’t just work with anyone, there needs to be a resonance. I have something called an NPA (No Pricks Allowed) rule. But the type of people I want to work with are people who value developing themselves or businesses who have employees who value training and developing.
People who are willing to show up and work as partners. See it as a collaboration.
Why did you decide to work with Susie on the Women ‘N’ Business programme?
How long have you got?
I love Susie. I have never met a more real person and I just feel, aside from the fact that we have this incredible friendship, she get’s it right! Helping people that come to her programme to feel safe and secure wherever they are.
She has a warm and incredible ability to hold people in this light and absolute belief that she has in each and every single one of us, including me.
So it was a no brainer. It’s a privilege to be able to be a part of anything that’s to do with her programs.
What was your biggest takeaway from working on the programme?
For me, the biggest thing was just the fact that it’s smaller and the strength of this community. This was a very, very special place just in terms of the fact that everybody was really so supportive. It’s just one of the most beautiful, loving spaces, which is also very focused on achieving successful results in business.
My biggest takeaway was something I couldn’t put into words It’s more just the feeling of family, community and safety.
What is your number one tip for women in business in 2022?
I’ve got like two or three that I think are critical.
Don’t do this alone. Doesn’t matter who you do this with this is a very lonely journey. There is no need for anyone to take this journey alone.
Choose a place where you can get the persona one to one support such as this programme. There are many programmes out there and because it can feel so, so big, a real one to one close knit thing is really critical.
And don’t buy into any stories that you can’t afford it. We call these brules. bullshit rules. We always put our needs last because we are so giving but if you ares serious in moving forward in your business, make this investment in you and yourself because you are worth it. Put yourself first.